Photo: Arturo A.

For many years I led a community that attracted entrepreneurs, creatives, and leaders—generally people that were willing to think beyond convention. A long-time community member would frequently approach me with a twinkle in her eye and ask, “Lola, how good are you willing to let life get?”

I ask myself that question regularly.

As a C-suite leader, top-performing athlete, artist or founder at the peak of your game, you’ve mastered the art of achieving results. Your accomplishments are a testament to your ability to control outcomes and shape your reality. But imagine there is something beyond that which you can control. This question isn’t just a philosophical musing;

It is a challenge to confront the self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from even greater levels of fulfillment and success.

High achievers often operate under the belief that relentless control and precision are the keys to sustaining success. While these qualities are undeniably valuable, they can also confine you to a narrow band of possibilities if not balanced with a willingness to embrace uncertainty and trust in the unfolding of life.

The Trap of Self-Limiting Beliefs
We have all been conditioned by our experiences, cultures, and the stories we tell ourselves. These beliefs form an internal operating system that guides our actions and reactions. For many high performers, this operating system emphasizes self-reliance, strategic planning, competition, and a drive to win at all costs. These beliefs have likely played a significant role in your achievements. However, they can also become the very barriers that prevent you from reaching the next level.

Self-reliance, for instance, is crucial, but it becomes a limitation when it morphs into egocentricity. An ego-centered approach can narrow your vision and limit your capacity to collaborate, innovate, and grow. Similarly, while strategic planning is essential, an overemphasis on rigid plans leaves little room for spontaneity and the unexpected opportunities that can lead to breakthroughs.

Shifting Your Perception
Consider the possibility that there’s more to life than what you’ve meticulously planned. How often do you allow space for the unknown? How frequently do you trust that life’s plot twists might be guiding you toward something greater than you could have imagined? Shifting your perception from one of strict control to one of openness and trust can be transformative.

An early client of mine was a highly regarded CEO who was a master strategist. His plans were flawless, and his execution was impeccable. Yet, he felt a persistent sense of dissatisfaction. He was so tightly wound in his plans that he left no room for the unexpected. Through our coaching sessions, he began to see the value in relaxing his grip of control and embracing the unknown. This shift didn’t diminish his strategic acumen; rather, it enhanced his ability to navigate and leverage unforeseen opportunities. He became more open. His business flourished in ways he hadn’t anticipated, and he found a deeper sense of fulfillment.

The Power of Surrender
Surrender is often misunderstood as giving up or inaction, but it’s far from that. Surrender is an active process of releasing the need to control every outcome and trusting in the process of life. It’s about taking inspired action towards your goals while remaining open to the myriad ways those goals might be achieved.

Reflect on your current belief system. Are there beliefs that feel outdated, restrictive, or misaligned with who you want to become? Surrendering these limiting beliefs opens up a new realm of possibilities. It’s about expanding your definition of success and allowing life to surprise you with its abundance.

Embracing Your Next Evolution
The life you envision is not a distant dream but a possibility that begins with a shift in your mindset. Imagine what could happen if you allowed yourself to step beyond your self-imposed limits. How much better could your life get?

I invite you to reflect deeply on this potent question. If you are ready to dive deep with a thought partner who will challenge and support you in navigating your journey to uncovering your truest self, I invite you to schedule a Chemistry Call with me to discuss ways we can work together to uncover and reprogram the self-limiting beliefs keeping you from living the life you are here to live.

How good are you willing to let life get? The answer starts with your willingness to explore, surrender, and trust in the journey ahead. Let’s begin this transformative journey together.

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