Photo: Karolina Grabowska

The life that I enjoy today looks very different from the life I was navigating twenty five years ago.

For three decades I have rigorously challenged and recontextualized the circumstances and conditions of my life and the world. The transformation of my life is a function of my dedication and willingness to exercise three simple steps:

  • establish a system of beliefs that works for me
  • shift my perception of reality
  • take action toward what I most deeply desire

Whether it’s a lover lost, a client gained, or a friendship fractured, as human beings, we assign meaning to every interaction we have. We write stories about ourselves, the people around us, and the planet. We interpret reality through our beliefs and perceptions. And then we live as if our interpretations or our point of view is the truth—this is the great trap of suffering.

Our interpretation of stimulus is automatic until we learn our interpretation of everything is subjective and informed by our beliefs.

You and I can experience the exact same interaction and have entirely different interpretations of that interaction. Our interpretations, our stories, and our perceptions are informed by our belief structure.

Your belief structure is a series of internal agreements that you deem to be true. Your belief structure is like an operating system that is running in the background. When that operating system doesn’t get upgraded, your life begins to break down, and usually, you won’t like how it’s working.

My life today looks very different than it did thirty years ago because I became obsessed with understanding my world of beliefs and how my belief structure constantly creates my reality.

I began to plot the beliefs that I inherited from my family, my culture, and the broader culture. I needed to understand what I was believing and the perspective I was filtering experiences through because that was producing the results of my life.

I plotted my beliefs on money, health, career, relationships, and spirituality. I did a thorough inventory. Some of those beliefs felt congruent and aligned, and some of those beliefs felt tired, dated, and inauthentic for who I was creating myself to be.

Please get that: Your life is a creation. You are a creation.

“False beliefs” or “limiting beliefs” are fears that live in your subconscious or unconscious mind and hold you back from pursuing a great vision for your life.

Find a trusted advisor, guide, or confidant, and start challenging the assumptions that are ruling your life. Having someone that is honest, unbiased, fundamentally for you and your evolution makes all the difference.

If you’re seeking your next growth edge and committed to doing what it takes to access a new way of being on the planet, let’s work together to uncover the limiting beliefs holding you back and create a new reality aligned with your deepest desires. Schedule a call with me to discuss how Transformational Leadership Coaching can help you feel reenergized and fully supported in life, business, and self. Begin your next transformation.

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